Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My new hero - Rita Ballou


If you want a good laugh at the expense of the TX/Red Dirt music scene check out this blog! I'm so glad someone finally grew a pair and is dishing a little dirt on the amount of lameness currently going on in the scene. This chick is balls out and I love it!! Comments like these would get you tarred and feathered over there on Galleywinter!

Now don't get me wrong, I still prefer this scene to the Nashville scene but in recent years I think we can all agree it has become watered down with bands hell bent on becoming the next Cross Canadian Ragweed. Result: cookie cutter bands putting out mediocre music to the masses of drunken fans who continue to lap it up by the gallon. What happened to the art of songwriting? Does every other song HAVE to be about Texas? Or drinking beer? Give me a break folks! Whatever happened to originality?

I get called a music snob quite often and I'm not bothered by it. I just prefer a better brand of music than most folks like! When I worked in radio back in the day I was all about top 40 music. Then I discovered an alternative. But now it seems my alternative is slowly morphing into the steaming pile of crap that is top 40 country. Having said that, there are still bands in the scene that I dig. I offer up exhibit A. Bands/artists who, in my humble opinion, do not suck:

Robert Earl Keen, Travis Linville, Camille Harp, No Justice, Jason Boland & The Stragglers, Stoney LaRue, Big Smith, Adam Hood, Mike McClure

For the record, I don't really consider REK a part of this scene. I personally think he transcends any scene. As most of you know, I heart him. ;-)
I should also put Billy Joe Shaver on this list, but again, not really part of the scene. Speaking of Billy Joe, maybe getting re-acquainted with our country music elders would be a good idea right about now. Willie, Waylon, Kris, Cash, Townes, Jones, Wynnette, Dolly.

Wow. I was really planning on a short little blog to let everyone know about the brilliant Rita Ballou and here I'm gone off on a little musical tangent of my own!

If you have any cool artists/bands that folks should check out, feel free to leave 'em in the comments section!
