Meet Val. This is Danny's dog. We brought her down from Kellyville to live with us. She's a funny gal!
Yesterday Danny installed a pet door for my little rat terrier Tai. She really enjoys digging out of the backyard and running around Chickasha. This, in turn, throws me into a tizzy until I find her and get her back home! Somedays I'm so aggravated when she gets out that I'm tempted to let her go but in the end I'm all talk. After 11 years I just can't stand the thought of losing her. Anyway, we decided that if she wasn't forced to stay in the backyard and could come and go as she pleased, she might be less likely to dig out of the yard.
Once Danny got the pet door installed, I was watching Tai go in and out. Suddenly a big black snout poked through the pet door. I told Danny that Val would probably try and shove her big noggin through the pet door.
This morning when I went and peeked into the laundry room to see if Tai was in or out I saw Val's collar on the floor! Just as I predicted, at some time in the night she poked her head through the pet door!
We both got a good laugh out of that one! These darn animals drive me nuts most of the time, but I can't imagine life without them! Hope your animal kingdom is as entertaining as ours!