Monday, November 3, 2008

Eve of the Election.

Well, here we are.......on the eve of the most important election in recent memory.
I'm so ready for it to all be over with but I can't lie, I'm gonna be crushed if Obama doesn't win. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts!!!!!!!
I'm fully prepared for Oklahoma to go for McCain. Hell, this state hasn't carried a Democrat presidential candidate since Lyndon Johnson! I just pray that Obama can pick up some of the swing states and stick it to the Republican bastards!!!
I'm also ready for the fucking emails to stop!!!!! I have not received ONE negative email about McLame but I can't count the number of negative Obama emails I've gotten.
It's a travesty and I'm sick of it. I'm sick of my friends and family members, who know damn good and well where I stand, continuing to send negative "fact sheets" and jokes about MY candidate! I'm disappointed that people I respect and hold in high regard insist on forwarding these stupid fucking emails without even bothering to do a little fact checking and find out if it's true or not!! You know, don't just assume I think the same way you do or that you're going to change my mind with some bullshit, forwarded 5,000 times email!! Vote your VALUES!!!! I do!! And here's a news flash: my values may not be the same as yours! What a concept!!! An independent, free-thinking individual!!!! Imagine that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People, just go vote tomorrow. I imagine I'll either be drinking in defeat or celebration tomorrow night. Let's just pray it's the latter.


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