It was about a year ago that Jimmy and I decided to try and have a baby. A few months later we found out we were expecting and would have a baby come September. Those nine months seemed to fly by, but at the same time felt like an eternity. Luckily, my pregnancy was very smooth an uneventful until the very end (see Shayla's previous blog entry about all the waiting!). September 7, 2009 our lives changed forever when we welcomed our little Olivia Shay into the world at 3:41pm. I can't even begin to describe the different emotions I felt that day. Everything from anxiety, to fear, to excitement, to joy, and finally to complete and unconditional love for this little 7 pound 2 ounce baby. I once again fell head over heels in love with my husband that day. His compassion, attentiveness, heart, and so much more shone through on that day and I will never forget it.
I can't believe a month has already past since she was born. It has probably been one of the hardest, but most rewarding months of my life. I haven't slept a full night since she arrived. In fact, I probably haven't slept for more than 4 hours at a time since then! There have also been nights that I haven't slept at all. Totally worth it, though. When I hold her in my arms and she looks me in the eye before gently falling asleep; totally worth it. When we lay next to each other and her little body keeps me warm; totally worth it. When she cracks a little smile; totally worth it. When she wraps her tiny little hand around my finger; totally worth it. She has changed my entire and life and how I see the world. How could this tiny little creature do that? I now know what unconditional love is. I would do anything in the world to make this child happy. I would give my own life just to give her another breath. I would go to the ends of the earth if it would stop a tear from rolling down her cheek.
As Shayla said in a previous blog, if you told me five years ago that this is what my life would be today, I would've said you are crazy! The same is true for me. Now I can't imagine my life without her. I often think about the future and what it holds. I cannot wait to watch her grow and see what kind of person she will become. What will her personality be? What will her interests be? The future holds so many wonderful things for my family and I cannot wait to open the gift of each new day!
In closing, I would like to share some pictures I recently took of Olivia. They were taken when she was about 2 1/2 weeks old.

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