Well I can officially say I survived "Ice Storm 2010."
What a disaster this has been!! I was really, REALLY fortunate! My power never went off. I was able to remain warm and dry while continuing to watch TV, surf the web, and cook. Notice cleaning the house and blogging weren't on this list.
They probably should have been.
Anyway, preparations started early in the week and the storm hit the afternoon of Thursday, January 28th. We closed our office at 11:30 that morning. I made one more quick trip to Homeland (must be fully stocked on beer), checked out "The Lovely Bones" from our library and headed home. At this point it was raining pretty good and looking pretty ugly. It only got worse. The creaking, snapping and crashing sound of trees is an eerie sound.

After it was all said and done, this is what I was left with. My backyard looked like a war zone! I got off easy compared to some folks. Some of my family members lost power for a week or more!! There are still people in the area who are without power!
I'd say my critters and I were very lucky. As you can see, Shilo and Ricky took the storm pretty hard. :-)

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