So it's been awhile since I posted a blog.
I'd like to tell you I've been doing lots of creative projects like songwriting. Or scrapbooking. Or photography. Or maybe even home improvement projects.
But the truth is it's a boys fault. His name is Danny and I'm so happy my blogging(amoungst other things)has suffered because of him!
My blogging isn't the only thing I've fallen behind on since falling in love. You should see the backlog of TV shows on my DVR! My Scentsy business has taken a nosedive. I've just recently gotten back around to cleaning the damn house! I can say, it's all been worth it!
Now I've been holding down the fort as a single gal for almost 35 years now. I know, I know - it's hard to believe that a chick so proficient in drinking, swearing, insulting and pretty much just being a smart ass in gereral, hasn't been snatched off the market yet. Believe it.
It was February 19th, 2010. Approximately 10:30pm. The Silver Spur Bar just south of Chickasha. In my defense, I hadn't been out to the Spur in years so don't judge me.
Ok fine. On this particular evening, my night out started at the Wan Dora in Chickasha. Now you can judge me.
Anyway, a few days earlier, while having mid-week cocktails at the above-mentioned Wan Dora, I met a young fella named Dylan. He sort of looked like a young version of my friend Misti's husband Nathan. Now we all know Nathan turned out to be the greatest husband ever so I was hoping. I gave him my digits and he called me on February 19th. We met up at the Wan Dora and had a few beers. He said some friends of his were out at the Spur and I agreed to roll out there with him. On the way out I asked him how old he was. He told me he was 25. GASP!!!!!!!! I knew this would not be working out.
We get to the Spur and he proceeds to leave me standing in the middle of the bar while he is chatting up his friends in the parking lot. I decide, to hell with this I'll have a seat at the bar and drink a coldie by myself. And then there was Danny. He was sitting on the stool to my left and turned around and I thought, "what a handsome little Mexican this is!" Now remember up above when I mentioned what a smart ass I am? Danny is, in fact, NOT Mexican. I just love to give him shit. I'm really just kidding, that wasn't my first thought. I don't really remember what my first thought was, I just remember we hit it off immediately.
We danced the night away and our fate was sealed.
Now I'm not gonna sit here and say the circumstances in which we met were perfect but I really do believe we were meant for each other and Danny would tell you the same thing.
I've been in a few serious relationships over the years and at one time I really thought I'd found the love of my life. I was wrong.
After being single for so long I kept telling myself that when I met the right person I would just KNOW it. It would be a different feeling than what I'd felt before. I was right.
As most couples know, it's not always rosy and I can attest to that now. Just the simple act of co-habitating with someone can be a challenge at times, especially if you've lived alone as long as I have. I like things a certain way: my way. Just kidding but there really are some things that are a pain in the ass. Danny being, quite possibly, the worlds worst driver being one of them. He prefers to lisen to his precious GPS instead of his precious Shayla. When it turns out I'm right, he has no choice but to listen to me in all my smart ass glory! Also, the mountains of laundry I now do! Sheesh! I used to do laundry for myself once a week! This is a dirty boy I'm dealing with here folks. A dirty boy who has yet to grasp the concept of recycling towels. I use a towel, hang it up to dry and re-use it again for a few days. Not my Danny. I shall be working on getting him trained.
All jokes aside, he is probably the kindest man I've ever met. I never have to wonder if he loves me or not. He would honestly do anything in the world for me and I would do the same for him. Plus, he puts up with my sassy ass. Now you all know that's A LOT deal with right there!!
I find it funny that we met the weekend after Tracey and I had a girls weekend in Fort Worth to celebrate our single gal selves. I guess you really do find love when you least expect it! I'm glad I've found mine.
Awww... we need to write some love songs Shayla!! So happy for you and I can't wait to meet him.
Fabulous....just fabulous! So happy for you and Danny! He IS a great guy and you guys look (and ARE) so happy together! Here's to many years.........
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