From Newsok.com:
As expected, Neil Diamond whipped his Oklahoma City audience into a frenzy Sunday night with a two-hour set of old favorites, new ballads and autobiographical pieces from his more than 30-year career.
Diamond needed no opener. Instead, his 14-member band built the opening music into a crescendo on a purple and turquoise-lit stage until the man himself appeared in the spotlight dressed completely in black and holding his black, white and silver guitar. The crowd went wild for the first of many times throughout the night as he shouted “Hello Oklahoma City,” before launching into “Holly Holy.” His voice sounded as deep and smooth as it has since the 1970s.
Diamond, 67, spent the evening serenading his long list of ladies of verse, from the aforementioned Holly to the nameless “Kentucky Woman” to “Cherry, Cherry” who’s got the way to move him, to the all-time top crowd favorite “Sweet Caroline.” For the latter, the crowd stayed on its feet, singing along at the top of its collective lungs, dancing wildly and applauding for such an extended period, Diamond treated them to an extra verse, insisting there were several audience members who didn’t sing along the first time through. He saved his store-bought love “Cracklin’ Rosie” for one of three encore songs.
Save for a few small sections, the Ford Center was packed to the rafters with Diamond fans. Diamond took the crowd from high energy to melancholy with songs such as “Love on the Rocks” and “Solitary Man.” He turned to romance for “Play Me,” with an audience member caught in the spotlight acting out the lyrics as Diamond sang.
Diamond also turned autobiographical. He asked his audience if they’d mind if he shared his story with them though he’s told it “at least a thousand times before.” Of course, no one minded, so he sang “Brooklyn Roads” while pictures and videos of his childhood and family played out on drop-down screens. He continued his story with “I am I said,” before bringing the crowd back to its feet with “Forever in Blue Jeans.”
Diamond sang several songs from his latest album, “Home Before Dark.” The title song shows Diamond’s shift in focus with lyrics that talk about traveling light, needing to be home to sleep and being afraid if he lost his way he wouldn’t be saved before dark.
Diamond was accompanied by a band he said he’s traveled the world with — three backup singers, four horn players, three guitarists, a congo player, a drummer, a man on synthesizer and another on keyboards. One of his guitarists he said was born and raised in Oklahoma City — Hadley Hockensmith.
He also spoke directly to his Oklahoma City audience, saying they understood hurt and asking them to give to hurricane relief in the Houston area. He said 100 percent of the proceeds from the night's merchandise sales would go to relief efforts.
"Buy all your Christmas presents," he urged. "I don't care if (your relatives) aren't Neil Diamond fans, stick it to them."
Of course there’s a good deal of schmaltz to go around at a Neil Diamond concert — one younger audience member even calling the evening “baby boomer hell,” but one man on the way out the door told his companion he only came for her sake but was leaving impressed. “He’s a true pro,” the man admitted.
Diamond sent the crowd home with three encore songs — “Cracklin’ Rosie,” “America” and “Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show.” The latter proved Diamond’s massive appeal. The audience waved their hands in the air and sang along just as if they were touched by the spirit of true revival.
This was my second Neil concert. My Mom, sister and I went to the 2005 tour in Dallas. That show was great but our seats weren't too good. This time we had awesome seats (Sec 106)! This time we went with Louise, Tracey and Elesha. Had a blast!!!! Some may think you're pretty lame for going to a Neil Diamond but that just shows how little they know. Dude has been around for a LONG time and continues to put out great albums and top notch concert performances! It was a great night out with family and friends that I'll remember for a long time!
wow, guess who's a communications major? I would have just said "It was a really, really good concert."
Smart Ass!!! Hmmmmmmm....guess you're in the right place, huh?
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