Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Robert Earl Keen - "The Rose Hotel"

Robert Earl Keen's new album, "The Rose Hotel" is in stores TODAY! I can't tell you how happy this makes me! We REK fans have been waiting 4 years for a new studio album! I ordered the combo pack vinyl record and cd. Yes! REK on vinyl!!!

Anyone who knows me knows that REK is my favorite of the Red Dirt/Texas artists. I was actually shocked one day when Jimmy and I were having a discussion about REK and Jimmy said he doesn't even consider him a part of this scene.......he transcends this scene and the many carbon copies that have followed in his wake. This surprised me only because Jimmy likes to tease me by saying REK sounds like what Forrest Gump would sound like if he were a singer! Nice to know Jimmy does, in fact, recognize greatness in some instances!

My friend Misti compares being a fan of REK to being in a club and knowing the secret handshake. I like that analogy.

When you hear him sing you might be taken aback. He's not the greatest vocalist I've ever heard! But when you really settle in and listen to the lyrics he writes you'll see what I'm talking about. Amazing!

I've loved REK for many years now. Had several awkward meetings with him. Even interviewed him on the radio! He's at the top of my list and I cannot wait to hear this new album!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Down in Flames

This is my Nana and Papa's house in Briscoe, TX. They bought this house and the over 300 surrounding acres back in the mid-seventies. They loved this place. All of us grandkids have spent countless hours in and around this house. Most my fondest childhood memories revolve around this house and this land. Soon, this house will be reduced to ashes. It seems it's cheaper to have the fire department come out and burn it as a training exercise as opposed to simply bulldozing it. I won't go into who made this decision and their reasons for doing it. I'll just say I'm not too happy about it. In fact, it kinda pisses me off.

It seems like such a violent end to such a peaceful place. I can't imagine my Nana and Papa would like this idea very much. Like I said, they loved this place. It was a dream. It was a sanctuary. It was home.

I am happy knowing that my memories of this place can never be smoked out of my heart.

Mom, Aunt Cathy, Fallon and I are going to Briscoe tomorrow. Aunt Carla is going to meet us there. We're gonna get the remaining valuables out. It's gonna be hard to drive away knowing that the only time I'll ever see this house again will be in pictures.

And, of course, in my memories.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Look at that face!

Seriously. How cute is this damn kid??? Hard to believe Tripp will be 2 years old in November.

Holly took this picture of us at Fallon's birthday party last week. I made him come take a pic with his Aunt Shayla.

He seems pretty happy about it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Introducing: Olivia Shay!

Monday, September 7th, life changed yet again. My first niece, Olivia Shay Hamilton was born at 3:44pm. She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces and was 20 inches long.

The doctor had told Holly that if the baby hadn't arrived by Thursday (Sept. 3rd) they would induce labor. Well, when Holly went to her appointment on that day the doc changed her mind! Holly hadn't changed any since her last visit and to induce would probably mean a C-section and the doctor just didn't want to go that route. What a let-down. We were all prepared for a baby but it was not meant to be. Mom later told me Holly broke down in tears upon hearing the news. She was so ready for the big moment!

I went up to Holly and Jimmy's house in Yukon on Thursday night for "Baby Watch: 2009." We just knew at any minute Holly would say, "Okay, it's time to take me to the hospital." Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock. Felt like we were living in slow motion. Poor Holly! I know the pressure had to get to her a bit. It must have felt like we were all staring at her and waiting for something to happen!

It was nice, however, to spend a weekend with my family. Having Mom there to cook three squares a day was pretty awesome, too. Kinda like being a kid again! By Sunday we were starting to wear down a bit. The anticipation was just too much. A few weeks prior, we had a patient in the office who was due any day. She came in one afternoon for an adjustment and went to the spa next door for a massage. During the massage her water broke!! I called Dr. Logsdon to see if she could help. She told me she could to some acupunture points for relaxation so off to Doc's house we went. She gave Holly and adjustment and did acupunture.

Doc took out the head and low back needles but left the rest in and I drove us home. The needles ended up being in for almost 2 hours. We decided that night would be game night! Holly told Jimmy if he wanted to drink some Red Bull and vodka he could go right ahead and do it! I went to the store and picked up some beer for Big M and me and game night began! We had a lot of fun and everyone relaxed and didn't think about baby for awhile! Holly didn't say anything to us but she had started feeling "something." The parents went off to bed and Holly, Jimmy and I played a little longer and then we went to bed, too. It was around 1 or 1:30 AM I would guess. She started having contractions that night and around 5:45 AM she poked her head in my door and said it was time to go to the hospital!!! I heart jumped!!!

The parents-to-be were cool customers! My Mom on the other hand started a pot of coffee! Mom, we're heading to the hospital remember? It was quite funny!

Off we went to the hospital! Jimmy got her all checked in. He did try and check her in as Holly Sanders but quickly remembered, he had in fact, married her two years prior! The doctor told her she was dialated to a 4 and would be admititted! We got all settled into a room and the waiting began. I was expecting a whole lot of drama but Holly made this stuff look easy! She got her epidural early on and I guess it made all the difference.

We had lots of our family show up and wait with us. Tripp came and entertained us with his antics! We did a lot of visting and catching up. Around 2:30 - 3:00 PM the doctor annouced she was at 9 and the pushing would probably start in about an hour! The excitement was really building now! We were kicked out of the room shortly thereafter.

That hour of waiting in the lobby was a killer! Nurses were going in and out but were keeping mum about the goings-on inside the room. We'd go to the door and listen hoping for clues. I'm sure we looked like a crazy, not-so-patient family out in that lobby! Here's the moment that will stick with me forever: We were standing outside the door and we heard her cry! My mom was looking at the door, heard the cry and turned around and the tears started flowing! I started to cry as Aunt Cathy came over and hugged my Mom. Kelsey hugged me and started crying! Tears of joy!!!!

My next concern was Holly. I wish I could have heard her cry! I just needed to know my baby sis was fine. Finally either a nurse or the doctor told us Momma and baby here both fine! Whew!!! What a relief! We had to wait quite awhile to get into the room because they were struggling to get her to eat. We later found out the cord was around her neck but the doc and nurses didn't waste any time and getting it off. They were all wonderful! And now, her she is.....Olivia Shay Hamilton:

Cute, huh? She's pretty amazing! We're all just so happy! Holly and Jimmy have been doing great! The are just the best parents! It's so cute to see! I'm enjoying my role as Aunt Shayla. The fact that they used part of my name in hers is an honor I can't even begin to describe. I have tears in my eyes right now as I think about it. Months ago when Holly told me what they wanted to name her I have to say I was stunned. It really and truly is an honor.

Life is good.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The (baby) Waiting Game

9 months ago I thought September would never get here but here it is! My sister's baby girl is due on September 7th. On her last doctor's appointment (8/27) she was told that if the baby wasn't here by the next doctor's appointment (9/3) they would induce labor. Every time the phone has rang this week I jump for it! I'm just waiting for "the call." The past two nights have been very restless for me. I think subconsiosly I'm still thinking about it........can't get my brain turned off!!
I know I won't miss the call since I'm a very light sleeper but for some reason I'm just not getting into a deep sleep.

I can't wait for that moment when I hold my little niece (and namesake) for the first time. I remember when Tripp was born like it was yesterday. The experience of holding him for the first time will stick with me forever!

We went out to Chris and Felicia's house last night for Chris's birthday party. It's pretty neat to see what kind of parents they have become. I can't wait to see what kind of parents Jimmy and Holly will be. I know they're going to be awesome! I can only imagine a little girl with Holly's beauty and independence and Jimmy's practicality and kindness. Olivia is a lucky girl indeed!

Now back to the waiting...............