Well, it's finally here.
The week I've been waiting for! Danny and I are going to New York City Thursday morning! I'm so very, very excited for this trip!!
During hurricane season, Danny drove to Long Island for a hurricane that never really hit. They basically drove to the tip of Long Island then turned around and drove back home. Unbeknownst to me, he did some snooping around while he was there and shortly there after I received an email from AAA Travel letting me know we were going to the Big Apple!!
My Danny is full of surprises. :-)
For many years now I've wanted to visit NYC. Being a long time Billy Joel fan, I long to see all the places he sings about.
And this may sound a bit silly, but after watching every episode and both Sex and the City movies, I want to soak up the sights I've seen through the eyes of Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte!
Danny is making this dream come true for me this week!
We're staying at the Millennium Hilton right across the street from the World Trade Center site. I've been reading a lot about New York trying to figure out the best was to see all I want to see in the most efficient manner. I think we've come to the conclusion that it may be best to just take off walking and see what we see!
Last week my Reckless Kelly newsletter arrived in my inbox. To my surprise, I discovered they are playing at Terminal 5, an NYC club, the night we arrive! I went to the club's website and much to my surprise Robert Earl Keen is the show's headliner!!! Those who know me know I LOVE REK. I have seen him many, many different times in many different locations. Words can't describe the feeling of knowing I'm going to witness him playing a show in New York City!!! Plus, this is Danny's first REK show!
Wow, what a memory this is going to be! Hurry up Thursday!!!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Silly Val!

Meet Val. This is Danny's dog. We brought her down from Kellyville to live with us. She's a funny gal!
Yesterday Danny installed a pet door for my little rat terrier Tai. She really enjoys digging out of the backyard and running around Chickasha. This, in turn, throws me into a tizzy until I find her and get her back home! Somedays I'm so aggravated when she gets out that I'm tempted to let her go but in the end I'm all talk. After 11 years I just can't stand the thought of losing her. Anyway, we decided that if she wasn't forced to stay in the backyard and could come and go as she pleased, she might be less likely to dig out of the yard.
Once Danny got the pet door installed, I was watching Tai go in and out. Suddenly a big black snout poked through the pet door. I told Danny that Val would probably try and shove her big noggin through the pet door.
This morning when I went and peeked into the laundry room to see if Tai was in or out I saw Val's collar on the floor! Just as I predicted, at some time in the night she poked her head through the pet door!
We both got a good laugh out of that one! These darn animals drive me nuts most of the time, but I can't imagine life without them! Hope your animal kingdom is as entertaining as ours!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I know, I know! It's been over a month since my last blog! But that last one was pretty good don't ya think? :-)
Danny and I have been staying busy. It's seems there's just not enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished! That's what I shall blame my lack of blogging on!
My annual birthday cook-out was a success again this year! We had a great time with family and friends. Danny made my birthday a memorable one as I expected he would! I had three days worth of scavenger hunts I had to complete to get my birthday gifts! Isn't he creative? Day one was a Starbucks gift card and a gift certificate for a pedicure, day two was a PowerMat phone charger and the big gift on day three was a Canon EOS Rebel digital camera!!! Yes, I'm spoiled and it's all Danny's fault!!
Now on to the important stuff! I need your help. As you know, I am a Scentsy consultant and this month our director has given us some incentive. If we sell $500 in product we get a set of the mini-testers! If you're able to this month, placing an order would help me in reaching my goal! My friend Bonny is having a book party so you'd also be helping her out by placing the order under her party. It's really easy! Just go to my website (www.shaylasanders.scentsy.us). On the left side of the website you'll see "Bonny's Basket Party." If you'll click "Buy from party" it will count for her basket party. Then just place your order and it will be shipped right to your door! How easy, right? Check out the "Bring Back My Bar" promotion. Scentsy took a poll and brought back the top discontinued bars. This includes the ever-popular LEATHER!!!! They are only available through the end of July! Thanks for your help friends!!
Danny and I have been staying busy. It's seems there's just not enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished! That's what I shall blame my lack of blogging on!
My annual birthday cook-out was a success again this year! We had a great time with family and friends. Danny made my birthday a memorable one as I expected he would! I had three days worth of scavenger hunts I had to complete to get my birthday gifts! Isn't he creative? Day one was a Starbucks gift card and a gift certificate for a pedicure, day two was a PowerMat phone charger and the big gift on day three was a Canon EOS Rebel digital camera!!! Yes, I'm spoiled and it's all Danny's fault!!
Now on to the important stuff! I need your help. As you know, I am a Scentsy consultant and this month our director has given us some incentive. If we sell $500 in product we get a set of the mini-testers! If you're able to this month, placing an order would help me in reaching my goal! My friend Bonny is having a book party so you'd also be helping her out by placing the order under her party. It's really easy! Just go to my website (www.shaylasanders.scentsy.us). On the left side of the website you'll see "Bonny's Basket Party." If you'll click "Buy from party" it will count for her basket party. Then just place your order and it will be shipped right to your door! How easy, right? Check out the "Bring Back My Bar" promotion. Scentsy took a poll and brought back the top discontinued bars. This includes the ever-popular LEATHER!!!! They are only available through the end of July! Thanks for your help friends!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
A love story.

So it's been awhile since I posted a blog.
I'd like to tell you I've been doing lots of creative projects like songwriting. Or scrapbooking. Or photography. Or maybe even home improvement projects.
But the truth is it's a boys fault. His name is Danny and I'm so happy my blogging(amoungst other things)has suffered because of him!
My blogging isn't the only thing I've fallen behind on since falling in love. You should see the backlog of TV shows on my DVR! My Scentsy business has taken a nosedive. I've just recently gotten back around to cleaning the damn house! I can say, it's all been worth it!
Now I've been holding down the fort as a single gal for almost 35 years now. I know, I know - it's hard to believe that a chick so proficient in drinking, swearing, insulting and pretty much just being a smart ass in gereral, hasn't been snatched off the market yet. Believe it.
It was February 19th, 2010. Approximately 10:30pm. The Silver Spur Bar just south of Chickasha. In my defense, I hadn't been out to the Spur in years so don't judge me.
Ok fine. On this particular evening, my night out started at the Wan Dora in Chickasha. Now you can judge me.
Anyway, a few days earlier, while having mid-week cocktails at the above-mentioned Wan Dora, I met a young fella named Dylan. He sort of looked like a young version of my friend Misti's husband Nathan. Now we all know Nathan turned out to be the greatest husband ever so I was hoping. I gave him my digits and he called me on February 19th. We met up at the Wan Dora and had a few beers. He said some friends of his were out at the Spur and I agreed to roll out there with him. On the way out I asked him how old he was. He told me he was 25. GASP!!!!!!!! I knew this would not be working out.
We get to the Spur and he proceeds to leave me standing in the middle of the bar while he is chatting up his friends in the parking lot. I decide, to hell with this I'll have a seat at the bar and drink a coldie by myself. And then there was Danny. He was sitting on the stool to my left and turned around and I thought, "what a handsome little Mexican this is!" Now remember up above when I mentioned what a smart ass I am? Danny is, in fact, NOT Mexican. I just love to give him shit. I'm really just kidding, that wasn't my first thought. I don't really remember what my first thought was, I just remember we hit it off immediately.
We danced the night away and our fate was sealed.
Now I'm not gonna sit here and say the circumstances in which we met were perfect but I really do believe we were meant for each other and Danny would tell you the same thing.
I've been in a few serious relationships over the years and at one time I really thought I'd found the love of my life. I was wrong.
After being single for so long I kept telling myself that when I met the right person I would just KNOW it. It would be a different feeling than what I'd felt before. I was right.
As most couples know, it's not always rosy and I can attest to that now. Just the simple act of co-habitating with someone can be a challenge at times, especially if you've lived alone as long as I have. I like things a certain way: my way. Just kidding but there really are some things that are a pain in the ass. Danny being, quite possibly, the worlds worst driver being one of them. He prefers to lisen to his precious GPS instead of his precious Shayla. When it turns out I'm right, he has no choice but to listen to me in all my smart ass glory! Also, the mountains of laundry I now do! Sheesh! I used to do laundry for myself once a week! This is a dirty boy I'm dealing with here folks. A dirty boy who has yet to grasp the concept of recycling towels. I use a towel, hang it up to dry and re-use it again for a few days. Not my Danny. I shall be working on getting him trained.
All jokes aside, he is probably the kindest man I've ever met. I never have to wonder if he loves me or not. He would honestly do anything in the world for me and I would do the same for him. Plus, he puts up with my sassy ass. Now you all know that's A LOT deal with right there!!
I find it funny that we met the weekend after Tracey and I had a girls weekend in Fort Worth to celebrate our single gal selves. I guess you really do find love when you least expect it! I'm glad I've found mine.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Happy birthday Nana.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
My new hero - Rita Ballou
If you want a good laugh at the expense of the TX/Red Dirt music scene check out this blog! I'm so glad someone finally grew a pair and is dishing a little dirt on the amount of lameness currently going on in the scene. This chick is balls out and I love it!! Comments like these would get you tarred and feathered over there on Galleywinter!
Now don't get me wrong, I still prefer this scene to the Nashville scene but in recent years I think we can all agree it has become watered down with bands hell bent on becoming the next Cross Canadian Ragweed. Result: cookie cutter bands putting out mediocre music to the masses of drunken fans who continue to lap it up by the gallon. What happened to the art of songwriting? Does every other song HAVE to be about Texas? Or drinking beer? Give me a break folks! Whatever happened to originality?
I get called a music snob quite often and I'm not bothered by it. I just prefer a better brand of music than most folks like! When I worked in radio back in the day I was all about top 40 music. Then I discovered an alternative. But now it seems my alternative is slowly morphing into the steaming pile of crap that is top 40 country. Having said that, there are still bands in the scene that I dig. I offer up exhibit A. Bands/artists who, in my humble opinion, do not suck:
Robert Earl Keen, Travis Linville, Camille Harp, No Justice, Jason Boland & The Stragglers, Stoney LaRue, Big Smith, Adam Hood, Mike McClure
For the record, I don't really consider REK a part of this scene. I personally think he transcends any scene. As most of you know, I heart him. ;-)
I should also put Billy Joe Shaver on this list, but again, not really part of the scene. Speaking of Billy Joe, maybe getting re-acquainted with our country music elders would be a good idea right about now. Willie, Waylon, Kris, Cash, Townes, Jones, Wynnette, Dolly.
Wow. I was really planning on a short little blog to let everyone know about the brilliant Rita Ballou and here I'm gone off on a little musical tangent of my own!
If you have any cool artists/bands that folks should check out, feel free to leave 'em in the comments section!
If you want a good laugh at the expense of the TX/Red Dirt music scene check out this blog! I'm so glad someone finally grew a pair and is dishing a little dirt on the amount of lameness currently going on in the scene. This chick is balls out and I love it!! Comments like these would get you tarred and feathered over there on Galleywinter!
Now don't get me wrong, I still prefer this scene to the Nashville scene but in recent years I think we can all agree it has become watered down with bands hell bent on becoming the next Cross Canadian Ragweed. Result: cookie cutter bands putting out mediocre music to the masses of drunken fans who continue to lap it up by the gallon. What happened to the art of songwriting? Does every other song HAVE to be about Texas? Or drinking beer? Give me a break folks! Whatever happened to originality?
I get called a music snob quite often and I'm not bothered by it. I just prefer a better brand of music than most folks like! When I worked in radio back in the day I was all about top 40 music. Then I discovered an alternative. But now it seems my alternative is slowly morphing into the steaming pile of crap that is top 40 country. Having said that, there are still bands in the scene that I dig. I offer up exhibit A. Bands/artists who, in my humble opinion, do not suck:
Robert Earl Keen, Travis Linville, Camille Harp, No Justice, Jason Boland & The Stragglers, Stoney LaRue, Big Smith, Adam Hood, Mike McClure
For the record, I don't really consider REK a part of this scene. I personally think he transcends any scene. As most of you know, I heart him. ;-)
I should also put Billy Joe Shaver on this list, but again, not really part of the scene. Speaking of Billy Joe, maybe getting re-acquainted with our country music elders would be a good idea right about now. Willie, Waylon, Kris, Cash, Townes, Jones, Wynnette, Dolly.
Wow. I was really planning on a short little blog to let everyone know about the brilliant Rita Ballou and here I'm gone off on a little musical tangent of my own!
If you have any cool artists/bands that folks should check out, feel free to leave 'em in the comments section!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
"Piss on Valentine's Day" Girls Weekend Roadtrip!!!!!

Well, I have to say, I don't think Tracey and I could have had much more fun on our weekend getaway trip to the Fort Worth Stockyards! I felt like we laughed the entire weekend!!
We were supposed to leave on Thursday night after I got off work but the DFW area was hit with the biggest snowstorm in 32 years so we had to delay our departure until Friday afternoon. Go figure, we're trying to escape the shit weather here in Oklahoma and 14 inches of snow gets dumped on our destination!
After lunch on Friday, we loaded up, cranked up the road trip mix tape and hit the road! Between Maysville and Lindsay we saw this little mess and hoped it wasn't a sign of things to come!

The big truck was apparently stuck and the Sears truck was trying to pull him out. I ended up hitting the muddy ditch and driving around the back of the truck and to my surprise there was a highway patrolman on the other side! OOPS!!! He was too busy to mess with us and we tore off down the road!!
We stopped at the first truck stop we found in Texas to do a little birthday shopping for Chris. Yes, we actually do like him but wanted him to have a craptastic birthday sack of goodies all the same!! Truck stop shopping rocks!
The Hotel Texas was our abode for the weekend.

I plugged the address into my iPhone and it lead us right to it! Lucky for us, not too many people were staying there that weekend because parking is limited. When I say limited, I'm talking about three or four parking spaces! Now this is not the most high class joint I've ever stayed in but for roughly $100 a night you're right in the heart of the stockyards. As long as you don't mind a camper sized shower, no closet, no TV remote and the scent of curry wafting up from downstairs you'll be fine. We chose to call it "quaint" as opposed to "ghetto."
Seriously though, it was clean and we enjoyed our stay.
After chili dogs at the Star Cafe we got all gussied up and headed for the White Elephant. I love the White Elephant and it did not disappoint. Right off the bat we met Randy. Oh Randy.

You probably had to be there but this guy was a hoot! He introduced us to his friends from Taos, Dennis and Suzie. They were very friendly as well. I asked Suzie if Randy was the mayor of Cowtown and she said no but "he has a lot of money and he's used to getting his way!"
He saved us major bucks in the beer buying department! We were paid many compliments and got felt up a couple of times but in the end it was all in good fun! We took his bullshit and gave it right back to him and I think he liked that about us! However, if I don't hear the phrase "hey baby" or "come here baby" for awhile that will be okay with me. ;-)
Davin James was playing that night at the White Elephant. We stayed there quite a while with our new pals. They ended up going to see what was going on at Pearl's bar. We stayed a bit longer and then headed over to another one of my favorite FW bars, Filthy McNasty's. We ran into Randy, Dennis and Suzie on the street and Randy told us to come back to the White Elephant. We told him no and he promptly told us to "f*#k off!" Somehow, as if by magic, our good time friend had turned into a surly old bastard!!
After sleeping in a bit on Saturday morning, we went down to my favorite Cowtown steakhouse, H3, for lunch. Oh my, my!!! So delicious!!! We walked around and went in a few shops. Also watched the Stockyards cattle drive before retiring to our room to rest up for Saturday night.

The TV happened to be on PBS when we laid down and since the damn thing didn't have a remote, it stayed on PBS the rest of the afternoon!! We giggled all afternoon!!! We learned about the value of a hairy pig on wheels toy, incubator babies used as a sideshow attraction and swastikas on a Navajo rug. The fun ended, however, when Lawrence Welk came on! Tracey took and stand and said "hell no!!!"
A friend of mine on Facebook had recommended a Mexican restaurant called Joe T. Garcias so we went out in search of it for our supper Saturday night. It was about a 1/2 mile walk but we found it. It looks like an old house! Upon being seated, we thought we were being ignored because we were never offered a menu. Then we were told by the waitress that they have two things on the dinner menu: enchiladas and fajitas! We got a plate of each and chowed down! Yummy!!! Look it up next time you're in the stockyards!

Saturday night we started at The White Elephant and, once again, spent quality time with our friends Randy, Dennie and Suzie. We bar-hopped around a bit and ended up seeing a pretty cool band called "The Kilroys" at Filthy McNasty's.

As we sat at the bar chatting up the bartender and applying temporary tattoos, this guy staggered up to pay his bar tab.

It seriously took him like 5 minutes to sign his damn name! I couldn't resist getting a picture of the signing. He was so drunk, he never even noticed and even if he did notice and take offense to my picture taking, I'm pretty sure his drunk ass would have stumbled and tumbled to the ground trying to chase me out of the bar.
We eventually staggered back to our digs at the Hotel Texas and Tracey mounted the saddle that they have displayed in the hallway. I took a great picture of it but I was threatened with violence if I posted it on the web. I'm pretty sure Tracey could seriously kick my ass so you'll notice the picture is NOT here.
We hadn't seen my car since we parked it out behind the hotel on Friday and were pleasantly surprised to find it right where we'd left it. Got a little lost trying to find a place to eat but finally headed our asses back north to the 405. All in all, a great weekend that neither of us will soon forget. At least the parts of it we can remember.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Ice Storm 2010

Well I can officially say I survived "Ice Storm 2010."
What a disaster this has been!! I was really, REALLY fortunate! My power never went off. I was able to remain warm and dry while continuing to watch TV, surf the web, and cook. Notice cleaning the house and blogging weren't on this list.
They probably should have been.
Anyway, preparations started early in the week and the storm hit the afternoon of Thursday, January 28th. We closed our office at 11:30 that morning. I made one more quick trip to Homeland (must be fully stocked on beer), checked out "The Lovely Bones" from our library and headed home. At this point it was raining pretty good and looking pretty ugly. It only got worse. The creaking, snapping and crashing sound of trees is an eerie sound.

After it was all said and done, this is what I was left with. My backyard looked like a war zone! I got off easy compared to some folks. Some of my family members lost power for a week or more!! There are still people in the area who are without power!
I'd say my critters and I were very lucky. As you can see, Shilo and Ricky took the storm pretty hard. :-)

Monday, January 18, 2010
From Canadian, TX to the Sooner State!
Well, happy Monday to everyone! Hope your weekend was fab!
Mine was! We went to Canadian, TX to surprise my cousin Josh for his birthday. He and my sister Holly share a birthday and it's actually today so happy birthday to them both!!!
Canadian is a little gem of a town that sits on the Canadian River in the Texas panhandle. It's about 100 east of Amarillo. This is where I was born and mostly raised. My Mom and her sisters all grew up here. My Dad and his family grew up here. My family roots run deep in Canadian, TX. I will forever know Canadian as my hometown.
Aunt Carla is the only one of the four sisters who still reside in Canadian. She owns and operates the Canadian Restaurant so if you're ever in town you better stop in and have a bite! The food is great! You must try the salsa they make fresh everyday........wonderful!!!
Carla's son Josh also lives in Canadian. He is my next youngest cousin and we grew up very close to each other. He's had many ups and downs in his life but really seems to have turned a corner recently and is doing very well. In celebration of this, his sister Kelsey decided it would be cool to all converge on Canadian and surprise Josh for this birthday so that's just what we did! It was wonderful!
Anyway, the point of the above rambling is that while in Canadian this weekend I was thinking about where I come from and why I'm where I'm at today. When people hear that I'm from Texas but moved to Oklahoma from Colorado they're always curious to know how I ended up here.
In 1986, my Aunt Cathy, Uncle Fred and their two young daughters Felicia and Fallon, moved to central Oklahoma from the Texas panhandle. It was quite a shock when they did! We had all lived fairly close to each other at that point and to hear my favorite Aunt was moving to Oklahoma was almost too much to bear.
You see, my Aunt and Uncle lost a baby several years before I was born. When I came along I think I was almost as much my Aunt Cathy's baby as I was my Mom's! She and I spent a lot of time together when I was a kid. She was the first one to put me on a horse and thus, started a rodeo "career" that would dominate my youth. My own folks weren't too much into horses and such so I always went to my Aunt Cathy and Uncle Fred's for all things horses and rodeo.
When they left Wheeler, TX for Oklahoma I wasn't far behind! I would come to Oklahoma every summer and we'd hit the rodeo and barrel racing jackpot trail! From the first summer I came here I thought it was some of the most beautiful country I'd ever seen and vowed that as soon as I could I would be living here, too!
My family and I eventually left the Texas panhandle for southeastern Colorado. Even though I made many, many great friends during my years in Colorado it was never "home" for me. I told everyone as soon as I was through junior college I was off to live in Oklahoma. I graduated from Wiley High School in 1993 and attended Lamar Community for two years. One month after my last semester was over at LCC I had all my worldly possession packed into my Chevy pick-up and was Oklahoma bound!!!
Now, I will admit that leaving Wiley that day was one of the hardest days of my life.
My little sister Holly had gone on to school that day and it was a blessing because the good-bye would have been much too hard. Saying good-bye to my Mom was hard enough. The three of us had been through so much together at that point and she was always a constant in my life. Now I had to say good-bye. She never tried to keep me in Colorado. She knew my heart was already in Oklahoma. It probably didn't hurt that her older sister would be there to look after her "baby!"
And so here I am! I consider myself an Okie for sure but I've never forgotten my Texas roots. It's it nice to go back there sometimes, take a look around and remember where you came from!
Mine was! We went to Canadian, TX to surprise my cousin Josh for his birthday. He and my sister Holly share a birthday and it's actually today so happy birthday to them both!!!
Canadian is a little gem of a town that sits on the Canadian River in the Texas panhandle. It's about 100 east of Amarillo. This is where I was born and mostly raised. My Mom and her sisters all grew up here. My Dad and his family grew up here. My family roots run deep in Canadian, TX. I will forever know Canadian as my hometown.
Aunt Carla is the only one of the four sisters who still reside in Canadian. She owns and operates the Canadian Restaurant so if you're ever in town you better stop in and have a bite! The food is great! You must try the salsa they make fresh everyday........wonderful!!!
Carla's son Josh also lives in Canadian. He is my next youngest cousin and we grew up very close to each other. He's had many ups and downs in his life but really seems to have turned a corner recently and is doing very well. In celebration of this, his sister Kelsey decided it would be cool to all converge on Canadian and surprise Josh for this birthday so that's just what we did! It was wonderful!
Anyway, the point of the above rambling is that while in Canadian this weekend I was thinking about where I come from and why I'm where I'm at today. When people hear that I'm from Texas but moved to Oklahoma from Colorado they're always curious to know how I ended up here.
In 1986, my Aunt Cathy, Uncle Fred and their two young daughters Felicia and Fallon, moved to central Oklahoma from the Texas panhandle. It was quite a shock when they did! We had all lived fairly close to each other at that point and to hear my favorite Aunt was moving to Oklahoma was almost too much to bear.
You see, my Aunt and Uncle lost a baby several years before I was born. When I came along I think I was almost as much my Aunt Cathy's baby as I was my Mom's! She and I spent a lot of time together when I was a kid. She was the first one to put me on a horse and thus, started a rodeo "career" that would dominate my youth. My own folks weren't too much into horses and such so I always went to my Aunt Cathy and Uncle Fred's for all things horses and rodeo.
When they left Wheeler, TX for Oklahoma I wasn't far behind! I would come to Oklahoma every summer and we'd hit the rodeo and barrel racing jackpot trail! From the first summer I came here I thought it was some of the most beautiful country I'd ever seen and vowed that as soon as I could I would be living here, too!
My family and I eventually left the Texas panhandle for southeastern Colorado. Even though I made many, many great friends during my years in Colorado it was never "home" for me. I told everyone as soon as I was through junior college I was off to live in Oklahoma. I graduated from Wiley High School in 1993 and attended Lamar Community for two years. One month after my last semester was over at LCC I had all my worldly possession packed into my Chevy pick-up and was Oklahoma bound!!!
Now, I will admit that leaving Wiley that day was one of the hardest days of my life.
My little sister Holly had gone on to school that day and it was a blessing because the good-bye would have been much too hard. Saying good-bye to my Mom was hard enough. The three of us had been through so much together at that point and she was always a constant in my life. Now I had to say good-bye. She never tried to keep me in Colorado. She knew my heart was already in Oklahoma. It probably didn't hurt that her older sister would be there to look after her "baby!"
And so here I am! I consider myself an Okie for sure but I've never forgotten my Texas roots. It's it nice to go back there sometimes, take a look around and remember where you came from!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Candid Adventures Bog
My sister Holly is now blogging! If you'll take a peek over to the "Blogroll" on the right side of this here blog, you'll see a link to her blog. It's called "Candid Adventures." Enjoy!
Brunchin' and Ropin'
This past Sunday I was invited to brunch with some gal pals of mine and I'm oh so glad I went! Misti had told me they were going to start having brunch the second Sunday of every month. Got an FB message from Angee not long after inviting me to attend and celebrate her birthday. I decided this was something outside of the box for me and something I needed to do.
So off I went to Legend's in Norman on Sunday morning! In attendence were Misti, Angee, Jennifer, Amber, Keely, Camille and Heather. Dear sweet Todd joined us a little later! We had such a nice time and a wonderful meal! I really do enjoy the company of these ladies! It's so nice to be around folks who have the ability to lift you up just by being in their presence. I like folks like that.
After brunch I scooted back to Chickasha and went straight to the Grady County Fairgrounds to watch the team roping. Jacob, Kelsey and Chris were all roping. It has been really cool to watch Kelsey develop into quite the little roper! I shouldn't be surprised by this....the kid is a natural born athlete and has excelled at pretty much every sport she's ever attempted. There is one exception however. She sucks at putt-putt golf!
Anyway, Jacob and Kelsey had Adyson with them and Cathy hauled the Taylor boys into town and we just had a great time! Several years ago, if you would have told me that spending an afternoon at a team roping wrangling 3 kids would be fun I would have said you were NUTS!!! But it was a great day and I'm learning to cherish days like that!
So off I went to Legend's in Norman on Sunday morning! In attendence were Misti, Angee, Jennifer, Amber, Keely, Camille and Heather. Dear sweet Todd joined us a little later! We had such a nice time and a wonderful meal! I really do enjoy the company of these ladies! It's so nice to be around folks who have the ability to lift you up just by being in their presence. I like folks like that.
After brunch I scooted back to Chickasha and went straight to the Grady County Fairgrounds to watch the team roping. Jacob, Kelsey and Chris were all roping. It has been really cool to watch Kelsey develop into quite the little roper! I shouldn't be surprised by this....the kid is a natural born athlete and has excelled at pretty much every sport she's ever attempted. There is one exception however. She sucks at putt-putt golf!
Anyway, Jacob and Kelsey had Adyson with them and Cathy hauled the Taylor boys into town and we just had a great time! Several years ago, if you would have told me that spending an afternoon at a team roping wrangling 3 kids would be fun I would have said you were NUTS!!! But it was a great day and I'm learning to cherish days like that!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
800 Hits!
WOW!!! The web hit counter rolled over to 800 today! Thanks for taking the time to read our thoughts here on "Opinions, Observations and Other Smart-Ass Remarks!"
Friday, January 1, 2010
Ryan Adams
I think this might be my favorite Ryan Adams song. It's called "Oh My Sweet Carolina" and it is simply beautiful. I love the album version but this one is so raw and moving.
Elton John is a Ryan Adams fan and he did a cover of the song. He does a nice job with the it.
Elton John is a Ryan Adams fan and he did a cover of the song. He does a nice job with the it.
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